WooCommerce clears customer sessions after 48 hours of inactivity by default. You may want to change the session length for performance or customer data retention reasons. Set sessions to expire at 5, 10, 60 minutes, or after any amount of inactivity, it’s up to you!
WooCommerce Bookings Support: We now include cart expiry settings specifically for those of you who are using WooCommerce Bookings. Now you can control cart expiry times for your bookable products!
The Clear Cart plugin for WooCommerce includes 4 essential sections which help keep products available for your customers.
1. Auto Clear WooCommerce Session and Cart

Use our plugin to set your own Session duration!
Now you have the power to choose:
- Time until the cart and session expires
- The time at which you want WooCommerce to check for customer activity and reset the session time if the customer is active
- e.g., if you have an hour session, WooCommerce can check for customer activity at 50 minutes and reset the session to allow the customer another hour.
- Choose to leave the cart to expire at your set time after the first item has been added, regardless of customer activity – simply leave the check for active users section blank.
2. Empty Cart Button for Customers
Let your customers clear their own cart with an “Empty Cart” button for the WooCommerce cart. We aren’t really sure why WooCommerce doesn’t include one, so we made it ourselves!
Our Empty Cart button is fully translatable and will suit your theme’s style. It also includes an “Are you sure you want to empty your cart?” confirmation feature.

Just activate the button from the plugin settings page and it will appear on your store’s cart.
3. Redirect Customers to valuable pages instead of an empty cart
An empty cart has no value for your customers. The fewer hoops you make them jump, the higher your chances of them converting to a sale.
Keep it simple and easy for your customers with our redirection feature. Once the customer empties their cart while on the cart page, we redirect them to your main shop page or a custom URL of your choice.
You might even decide to redirect them to a custom page with a discount coupon!

4. WooCommerce Bookings Compatibility
Clear Cart is now compatible with WooCommerce Bookings!
Only use this section if you’re using the WooCommerce Bookings Plugin on your site.
When a customer is holding a product in their cart, it will be unavailable for other paying customers on their selected date. Now you can choose how many minutes you want your bookable products to be held in customer’s carts before they’re cleared and made available again.

Our Clear the Cart plugin lets you and your customers take control of the cart and makes sure your products are cleared from old customer carts.
Frequently asked questions
Does this plugin handle stock levels in the cart?
This plugin does not control stock. Your inventory stock levels when added to the cart are determined by your setup. A traditional setup reduces stock once the order is processed. WooCommerce Bookings reduces stock while bookable products are in the customer cart.
We do offer a specific plugin that will allow customers to reserved stock in their carts. Have a look at Reserved Stock Pro for more details.
I engaged Morgan when I ran in to some issues with the clear cart and sessions. It turned out that some of the plugins I was using was conflicting and Morgan got on to it straight away and resolved the issue and explained in detail about what was the issue.
Thank you so much Morgan. You are a great developer and will recommend you and your business to others.
We purchased Extra Woo's WooCommerce Clear Cart and Sessions plugin, and initially it didn't seem to address the issue we were buying it for. I contacted their premium support and Morgan got back to me within a few hours. He immediately addressed a small issue with an update. He was very helpful and forthcoming, and went the extra mile to help us get our problem solved. Once we fixed a conflicting plugin from our side, the Woocommerce Clear Cart plugin worked like a dream. Thank you for great service! – Elite Online Solutions
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