Developer Hooks

JavaScript Events

Checkout Countdown will trigger JavaScript events depending on the status of the countdown timer.

  • ccfwooReachedZero – Triggers when the countdown is zero but may not be finished. At this point the countdown could loop if you have enabled the looping feature in Checkout Countdown Pro.
  • ccfwooFinishedCounting – The countdown has completely finished and the “countdown expired” message will be displayed at this event.

* Event when the countdown has reached zero but may not be finished. Might Loop.
document.addEventListener('ccfwooReachedZero', function (event) {
// Do something in JS.

* Event when the countdown has finished counting.
document.addEventListener('ccfwooFinishedCounting', function (event) {
    // Do something in JS.

Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

* Event when the countdown has reached zero on the checkout page, trigger a reload.
document.addEventListener('ccfwooReachedZero', function (event) {
// Check if the current page is /checkout/
if (window.location.pathname === '/checkout/') {
    // Refresh the page
});Code language: JavaScript (javascript)
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