Developer Usage

JavaScript Events

Checkout Countdown will trigger JavaScript events depending on the status of the countdown timer.

  • ccfwooReachedZero – Triggers when the countdown is zero but may not be finished. At this point the countdown could loop if you have enabled the looping feature in Checkout Countdown Pro.
  • ccfwooFinishedCounting – The countdown has completely finished and the “countdown expired” message will be displayed at this event.

* Event when the countdown has reached zero but may not be finished. Might Loop.
document.addEventListener('ccfwooReachedZero', function (event) {
// Do something in JS.

* Event when the countdown has finished counting.
document.addEventListener('ccfwooFinishedCounting', function (event) {
    // Do something in JS.

Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

* Event when the countdown has reached zero on the checkout page, trigger a reload.
document.addEventListener('ccfwooReachedZero', function (event) {
// Check if the current page is /checkout/
if (window.location.pathname === '/checkout/') {
    // Refresh the page
});Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Exclude Specific Products from the Countdown

Only available in the latest beta from support.

If you need the countdown to trigger for specific products, or product categories, then you can use the filter ccfwoo_cart_product_criteria.

In the below example you’ll see the product ID 33 will be excluded from the countdown criteria, as well as any products belonging to the “t-shirts” category.

TIP: Since the excluded products aren’t being handled by Checkout Countdown Pro. They will remain the customers cart when the countdown has finished.

 * Exclude specific products from cart criteria.
 * @param boolean $should_trigger_countdown if the product should trigger the countdown. Default is true.
 * @param int $product_id The ID of the product.
 * @param array $cart_item The cart item data.
 * @return boolean Whether to handle the product.
function custom_ccfwoo_exclude_specific_products( $should_trigger_countdown, $product_id, $cart_item ) {
	// Check if the product ID is 33.
	if ( $product_id === 33 ) {
		return false;

	// Check if the product is in the 't-shirts' category.
	if ( has_term( 't-shirts', 'product_cat', $product_id ) ) {
		return false;

	// If none of the conditions are met, return the original value.
	return $should_trigger_countdown;

// Hook the new function to the 'ccfwoo_cart_product_criteria' filter.
add_filter( 'ccfwoo_cart_product_criteria', 'custom_ccfwoo_exclude_specific_products', 15, 3 );Code language: PHP (php)
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